CTNote Library: Abstinence Outcomes


This document contains the algorithms necessary to code all the outcomes which measure “abstinence from substance use” or “relapse to substance use”. We only include outcomes which result in a single value per subject. These outcomes are:

Group Endpoint Class Reference Definition Missing is
Abstinence Abstinence weeks integer Fiellin et al., 2006 Weeks of confirmed opioid abstinence Positive
Abstinence Continuous abstinence logical Kosten et al., 1993 attaining at least 3 weeks of consecutive negative UOS Missing/not imputed
Abstinence Complete Abstinence logical Krupitsky et al., 2011 Confirmed opioid abstinence during weeks 5‐24 based on UOS Positive
Abstinence Abstinence weeks integer Krupitsky et al., 2011 Weeks of confirmed opioid abstinence Positive
Abstinence Continuous abstinence logical Ling et al., 1998 % of participants who maintained 13 consecutive negative UOS (1 month) Missing/not imputed
Abstinence Complete Abstinence logical Lofwall et al., 2018 No evidence of opioid use based on UOS (NOTE: minimal evidence of opioid use from UOS, not none) Positive
Abstinence Length of Initial Abstinence survival Mokri, Chawarski, Taherinakhost, & Schottenfeld, 2016 Days to 1st positive UOS Positive
Abstinence Longest period of abstinence integer Schottenfeld et al., 2005 Max. number of consecutive weeks of negative UOS Missing
Abstinence Longest period of abstinence integer Schottenfeld et al., 2008 Longest period of negative UOS Positive
Abstinence Length of Initial Abstinence survival Schottenfeld, Chawarski, & Mazlan, 2008 Days to 1st positive UOS after randomization Positive
Abstinence Length of Initial Abstinence survival Shufman et al., 1994 Weeks between 1st day of NTX administration and 1st positive UOS Missing
Abstinence Abstinence period logical Weiss et al., 2011 CTN-0030 Negative UOS during the last week AND for at least 2 of the previous 3 weeks of the third month of BUP/NX treatment Positive

We will use the table of participant opioid use patterns from the ctn0094DataExtra package to calculate these endpoints (we have a copy of the endpoints in the dataset outcomesCTN0094). Importantly, if you wish to apply these algorithms to calculate endpoints for your data, the participants’ substance use patterns must be stored in the “substance use pattern word” format shown here. We also show a subset of the data to visualize a variety of different real substance use patterns.

We first define the following five-value legend:

  • +: positive for the substance(s) in a specified window of time (a day, week, month, etc.) by urine screen (or participant self report, if such data are of interest)
  • : negative for the substance(s)
  • o: subject failed to provide a urine sample
  • *: inconclusive results or mixed results (e.g. subject provided more than one urine sample in the time interval and they did not agree)
  • _: no specimens required (weekends, holidays, pre-randomization period, alternating visit days/weeks)
###  Full Data  ###
udsOutcomes_df <- 
    CTNote::outcomesCTN0094 %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS)

# Make a copy
outcomesAbs_df <- udsOutcomes_df

###  Examples  ###
examplePeople_int <- c(1, 163, 210, 242, 4, 17, 13, 1103, 233, 2089)
outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int)
## # A tibble: 10 × 2
##      who usePatternUDS                      
##    <dbl> <chr>                              
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                    
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o           
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo           
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-            
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------           
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------           
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o           
##  8   242 -----------------------            
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-

For example, participant 1 has a use pattern ooooooooooooooo (all missing UDS), which means that they dropped out of the study. In contrast, participant 233 has a use pattern *+++++++++++o++++++++++o (nearly all positive UDS): they did not drop out of the study, but the treatment was completely ineffective for them. Participant 2089 started the study in a rough patch, but greatly improved in treatment over time (++++---+--------------o-).

Abstinence from Substance Use Endpoints

CTN-0094 Abstinence

Our CTN-0094 research group has one abstinence outcome, which we consider a “fair” metric for end-of-treatment abstinence. Definition: in the last four weeks of treatment, 0 positive and no more than 1 missing UDS. Note: we intend this definition as a measure of “soft” abstinence; specifically, we allow the participant to miss one of the scheduled meetings in their last four weeks of treatment, as long as the UDS pattern for the remaining three weeks is all present and negative.

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
  # mixed results != abstinence
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
        Ab_ctnNinetyFour_2023 = any(
              use_pattern = udsPattern,
              subpattern = c("----", "o---", "-o--", "--o-", "---o"),
              start = 12,
              end = 15
    ) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_ctnNinetyFour_2023) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_ctnNinetyFour_2023)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_ctnNinetyFour_2023
##    <dbl> <chr>                               <lgl>                
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                     FALSE                
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o            TRUE                 
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo            FALSE                
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-             FALSE                
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------            FALSE                
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------            FALSE                
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o            FALSE                
##  8   242 -----------------------             TRUE                 
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o FALSE                
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-            TRUE

Fiellin et al. (2006)

Definition: Weeks of confirmed opioid abstinence; missing is positive

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
    ) %>% 
  # mixed results != abstinence
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
  # We did not code this definition with an "end", so participants with longer
  #   stays in treatment could have higher scores
        Ab_fiellin_2006 = count_matches(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            match_is = "-"
    ) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_fiellin_2006) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_fiellin_2006)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_fiellin_2006
##    <dbl> <chr>                                         <int>
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                                   0
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o                         21
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo                         13
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-                           5
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------                         19
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------                         13
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o                          0
##  8   242 -----------------------                          23
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o              20
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-                         18

Kosten et al. (1993)

Definition: attaining at least 3 weeks of consecutive negative UOS

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        Ab_kosten_1993 = detect_subpattern(
            subpattern = "---" 
    ) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_kosten_1993) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_kosten_1993)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_kosten_1993
##    <dbl> <chr>                               <lgl>         
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                     FALSE         
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o            TRUE          
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo            TRUE          
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-             FALSE         
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------            TRUE          
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------            TRUE          
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o            FALSE         
##  8   242 -----------------------             TRUE          
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o TRUE          
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-            TRUE

Krupitsky et al. (2011) (A) and (B)

There are two definitions from this paper which we include in the reduction section our library: Confirmed opioid abstinence during weeks 5‐24 based on UOS and Weeks of confirmed opioid abstinence.

Krupitsky et al., 2011 (A)

Definition: Confirmed opioid abstinence during weeks 5‐24 based on UOS

A comment on our algorithm: we do not know how long each protocol is exactly, so a pattern match approach (while intuitive at first) would not work. We will instead recode the use pattern as “negative” or “non-negative”, and then check that the proportion of non-negative UDS is 0%.

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
    ) %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
        useProp = count_matches(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            match_is = "+",
            start = 5L,
            # Set this to the length of your protocol, or 24, whichever is shorter
            end = 15L,
            proportion = TRUE
    ) %>% 
    mutate(Ab_krupitskyA_2011 = useProp == 0) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_krupitskyA_2011) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_krupitskyA_2011)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_krupitskyA_2011
##    <dbl> <chr>                               <lgl>             
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                     FALSE             
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o            TRUE              
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo            FALSE             
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-             FALSE             
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------            FALSE             
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------            FALSE             
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o            FALSE             
##  8   242 -----------------------             TRUE              
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o FALSE             
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-            FALSE

Krupitsky et al., 2011 (B)

Definition: Weeks of confirmed opioid abstinence

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
    ) %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
        Ab_krupitskyB_2011 = count_matches(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            match_is = "-",
            start = 5L,
            # This trial protocol has a clear end date; we adjust it to our data
            end = 15L
    ) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_krupitskyB_2011) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_krupitskyB_2011)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_krupitskyB_2011
##    <dbl> <chr>                                            <int>
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                                      0
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o                            11
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo                             9
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-                              1
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------                             7
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------                             3
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o                             0
##  8   242 -----------------------                             11
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o                  6
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-                            10

Ling et al. (1998)

Definition: % of participants who maintained 13 consecutive negative UOS (1 month); urine was screened 3 times per week

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        Ab_ling_1998 = detect_subpattern(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
            # 13 consecutive UDS at 3x per week is 4.3 weeks
            subpattern = "----"
    ) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_ling_1998) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_ling_1998)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_ling_1998
##    <dbl> <chr>                               <lgl>       
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                     FALSE       
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o            TRUE        
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo            TRUE        
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-             FALSE       
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------            TRUE        
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------            TRUE        
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o            FALSE       
##  8   242 -----------------------             TRUE        
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o TRUE        
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-            TRUE

Lofwall et al. (2018)

Definition: No evidence of opioid use based on UOS (NOTE: minimal evidence of opioid use from UOS, not none)

In their paper, abstinence was defined as 2 of 3 negative UDS for weeks 9, 10, and 11; negative UDS in week 12; and 5 or 6 UDS negative during weeks 13-24 (with alternating week visits, yielding 6 visits in this Phase II period). Because we have 15 weeks of data guaranteed, we scale this window and lattice. Their definition of abstinence is quite complex. Because we only have 15 weeks of data for most subjects, we shift their 12-week Phase I endpoint to week 7, and treat weeks 8-15 as Phase II. Also, we calculate these as proportions and not counts; this is so that these rules can be applied to windows of other sizes. The proportions would be the same—only the window of observation would change.

###  Define 15-week Lattice  ###
lofwallLattice_char <- collapse_lattice(
    lattice_patterns = c("o", "_o"),
    # For the lattice as defined over 24 weeks, you need 12 weeks of weekly visits
    #   and 6 sets of alternating "no visit" and "visit" week pairs, or c(12, 6).
    #   For us, we want 7 weeks straight of weekly visits followed by 4 pairs of
    #   alternating visits (8 weeks) for a total of 15 weeks.
    times = c(7, 4)
## [1] "ooooooo_o_o_o_o"
###  Calculate Weighted Abstinence  ###
outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
  # Change mixed and missing results to positive
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
    udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(udsPattern)
  ) %>% 
  # "observe" only the UDS that would have been caught by the protocol
        udsLattice = view_by_lattice(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            lattice_pattern = str_sub(lofwallLattice_char, end = 15) # first 15 weeks
    ) %>% 
    # Impute the visits that were not "observed"
        udsLatticeLOCF = impute_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsLattice,
            method = "locf",
            missing_is = "_",
            quietly = TRUE
    ) %>% 
  # Count for Weeks 5-7; Week 8; and Weeks 9-15
        prop57 = count_matches(
            match_is = "-",
            start = 5L,
            end = 7L,
            proportion = TRUE
        clean8 = count_matches(
            match_is = "-",
            start = 8L,
            end = 8L
        prop915 = count_matches(
            match_is = "-",
            start = 9L,
            end = 15L,
            proportion = TRUE
    ) %>% 
  # Check interval counts/proportions
        Ab_lofwall_2018 = (prop57 >= 2/3) & (clean8 == 1) & (prop915 >= 5/6)
    ) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_lofwall_2018) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_lofwall_2018)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_lofwall_2018
##    <dbl> <chr>                               <lgl>          
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                     FALSE          
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o            TRUE           
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo            FALSE          
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-             FALSE          
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------            FALSE          
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------            FALSE          
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o            FALSE          
##  8   242 -----------------------             TRUE           
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o FALSE          
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-            TRUE

Mokri et al. (2016)

Definition: Days to 1st positive UOS; missing is positive

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS
    ) %>%
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>%
  # Find the number of weeks until the first "+"
        mokri2016_abs = detect_in_window(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            window_width = 1L,
            threshold = 1L
    ) %>%
    unnest(cols = "mokri2016_abs", names_sep = "_") %>%
    select(who, starts_with("mokri2016_abs")) %>%
    AbT_mokri_2016 = mokri2016_abs_time,
    AbE_mokri_2016 = mokri2016_abs_event
  ) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")
outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, contains("mokri_2016"))
## # A tibble: 10 × 4
##      who usePatternUDS                       AbT_mokri_2016 AbE_mokri_2016
##    <dbl> <chr>                                        <int>          <int>
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                                  1              1
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o                        20              1
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo                        13              1
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-                          3              1
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------                         2              1
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------                         2              1
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o                         1              1
##  8   242 -----------------------                         23              0
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o              1              1
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-                         1              1

If you are more comfortable using “survival” or “time-to-event” data structures, then the above definition can be modified by the following code:

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
    mokri2016_wksAbst = survival::Surv(
      time = AbT_mokri_2016,
      event = AbE_mokri_2016
  ) %>% 
  mutate(mokri2016_wksAbst = as.character(mokri2016_wksAbst)) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, mokri2016_wksAbst)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       mokri2016_wksAbst
##    <dbl> <chr>                               <chr>            
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                     " 1"             
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o            "20"             
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo            "13"             
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-             " 3"             
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------            " 2"             
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------            " 2"             
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o            " 1"             
##  8   242 -----------------------             "23+"            
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o " 1"             
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-            " 1"

Richard S. Schottenfeld et al. (2005)

Definition: Max. number of consecutive weeks of negative UOS, missing is ignored

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
  # Ignore missing visits
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
            missing_becomes = ""
    ) %>% 
  # Mixed are positive
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
  # Measure the length of the longest period of continuous abstinence
        Ab_schottenfeld_2005 = measure_abstinence_period(
            use_pattern_binary = udsPattern
    ) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_schottenfeld_2005) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_schottenfeld_2005)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_schottenfeld_2005
##    <dbl> <chr>                                              <int>
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                                        0
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o                              21
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo                              13
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-                                2
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------                              10
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------                              11
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o                               0
##  8   242 -----------------------                               23
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o                   14
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-                              15

Richard S. Schottenfeld, Chawarski, and Mazlan (2008) (A) and (B)

There are two definitions from this paper which we include in the reduction section our library: Longest period of negative UOS and Days to 1st positive UOS after randomization.

Schottenfeld, Chawarski, & Mazlan, 2008 (A)

Definition: Days to 1st positive UOS after randomization, missing is positive

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS
    ) %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
        schottenfeld2008A_abs = detect_in_window(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            window_width = 1L,
            threshold = 1L
    ) %>% 
    unnest(cols = "schottenfeld2008A_abs", names_sep = "_") %>% 
    select(who, starts_with("schottenfeld2008A_abs")) %>% 
    AbT_schottenfeldA_2008 = schottenfeld2008A_abs_time,
    AbE_schottenfeldA_2008 = schottenfeld2008A_abs_event
  ) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")
outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, contains("schottenfeldA_2008"))
## # A tibble: 10 × 4
##      who usePatternUDS             AbT_schottenfeldA_2008 AbE_schottenfeldA_2008
##    <dbl> <chr>                                      <int>                  <int>
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                                1                      1
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o                      20                      1
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo                      13                      1
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-                        3                      1
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------                       2                      1
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------                       2                      1
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o                       1                      1
##  8   242 -----------------------                       23                      0
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o--------…                      1                      1
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-                       1                      1

Schottenfeld et al., 2008 (B)

Definition: Longest period of negative UOS, missing is positive

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS
    ) %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>%
        Ab_schottenfeldB_2008 = measure_abstinence_period(
            use_pattern_binary = udsPattern
    ) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_schottenfeldB_2008) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_schottenfeldB_2008)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_schottenfeldB_2008
##    <dbl> <chr>                                               <int>
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                                         0
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o                               19
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo                               12
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-                                 2
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------                               10
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------                               11
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o                                0
##  8   242 -----------------------                                23
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o                    10
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-                               14

Shufman et al. (1994)

Definition: Weeks between 1st day of NTX administration and 1st positive UOS, missing is ignored (but treated as negative in order to count the weeks properly)

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
  # Set "o" to "-"
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
            missing_becomes = "-"
    ) %>% 
    # Set "*" to "+"
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
        shufman1994_absN = detect_in_window(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            window_width = 1L,
            threshold = 1L
    ) %>% 
    unnest(cols = "shufman1994_absN", names_sep = "_") %>% 
    select(who, starts_with("shufman1994_absN")) %>% 
    AbT_shufman_1994 = shufman1994_absN_time,
    AbE_shufman_1994 = shufman1994_absN_event
  ) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, contains("shufman_1994"))
## # A tibble: 10 × 4
##      who usePatternUDS                       AbT_shufman_1994 AbE_shufman_1994
##    <dbl> <chr>                                          <int>            <int>
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                                   15                0
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o                          24                0
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo                          24                0
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-                            3                1
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------                          14                1
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------                           2                1
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o                           1                1
##  8   242 -----------------------                           23                0
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o                1                1
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-                           1                1

Weiss et al. (2011, CTN–0030)

Definition: Negative UOS during the last week AND for at least 2 of the previous 3 weeks of the third month of BUP/NX treatment, missing is positive.

Note: this definition is looking for one of the following four abstinence patterns in last 4 weeks: "----", "+---", "-+--", or "--+-". This definition is just an insanely strict measure of study retention. The first part of the definition (“negative in the last week”) already fails anyone who didn’t stay in the study for the entire protocol period (because their last week UDS will automatically be "o").

outcomesAbs_df <- 
    outcomesAbs_df %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = usePatternUDS,
    ) %>% 
        udsPattern = recode_missing_visits(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            missing_is = "*"
    ) %>% 
        cleanLastWeek = detect_subpattern(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            subpattern = "-",
            start = -1,
            end = -1
    ) %>% 
        finalUseCount = count_matches(
            use_pattern = udsPattern,
            match_is = "+",
            # 3 weeks leading up to the last week
            start = -4L,
            end = -2L
    ) %>% 
    mutate(Ab_ctnThirty_2011 = cleanLastWeek & (finalUseCount <= 1)) %>% 
    select(who, Ab_ctnThirty_2011) %>% 
    left_join(outcomesAbs_df, ., by = "who")

outcomesAbs_df %>% 
  filter(who %in% examplePeople_int) %>% 
  select(who, usePatternUDS, Ab_ctnThirty_2011)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##      who usePatternUDS                       Ab_ctnThirty_2011
##    <dbl> <chr>                               <lgl>            
##  1     1 ooooooooooooooo                     FALSE            
##  2     4 -------------------o-o-o            FALSE            
##  3    13 ------------o-oooooooooo            FALSE            
##  4    17 --++*++++++-++++++-+++-             FALSE            
##  5   163 -o---o---o--o+----------            TRUE             
##  6   210 -++++++++-+++-----------            TRUE             
##  7   233 *+++++++++++o++++++++++o            FALSE            
##  8   242 -----------------------             TRUE             
##  9  1103 ++--oo--o-+-+--o----------o-o-oo++o FALSE            
## 10  2089 ++++---+--------------o-            TRUE

Computing Environment

Here is the information concerning the system configuration, packages, and their versions used in this computation:

## R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3 
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libopenblasp-r0.3.26.so;  LAPACK version 3.12.0
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=C              
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## time zone: Etc/UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] lubridate_1.9.4  forcats_1.0.0    stringr_1.5.1    dplyr_1.1.4     
##  [5] purrr_1.0.4      readr_2.1.5      tidyr_1.3.1      tibble_3.2.1    
##  [9] ggplot2_3.5.1    tidyverse_2.0.0  kableExtra_1.4.0 readxl_1.4.3    
## [13] CTNote_0.1.3     rmarkdown_2.29  
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] utf8_1.2.4        sass_0.4.9        generics_0.1.3    xml2_1.3.6       
##  [5] lattice_0.22-6    stringi_1.8.4     hms_1.1.3         digest_0.6.37    
##  [9] magrittr_2.0.3    timechange_0.3.0  evaluate_1.0.3    grid_4.4.2       
## [13] fastmap_1.2.0     Matrix_1.7-2      cellranger_1.1.0  jsonlite_1.8.9   
## [17] survival_3.8-3    viridisLite_0.4.2 scales_1.3.0      jquerylib_0.1.4  
## [21] cli_3.6.4         rlang_1.1.5       splines_4.4.2     munsell_0.5.1    
## [25] withr_3.0.2       cachem_1.1.0      yaml_2.3.10       tools_4.4.2      
## [29] tzdb_0.4.0        colorspace_2.1-1  buildtools_1.0.0  vctrs_0.6.5      
## [33] R6_2.6.0          lifecycle_1.0.4   pkgconfig_2.0.3   bslib_0.9.0      
## [37] pillar_1.10.1     gtable_0.3.6      glue_1.8.0        systemfonts_1.2.1
## [41] xfun_0.50         tidyselect_1.2.1  rstudioapi_0.17.1 sys_3.4.3        
## [45] knitr_1.49        htmltools_0.5.8.1 svglite_2.1.3     maketools_1.3.2  
## [49] compiler_4.4.2


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